Views of Adolescent Drug Abuse Q-Sort

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The Q-sort is a 56- item questionnaire developed in a collaboration the LI team and the University of Arizona team which is part of the San Francisco-Arizona Node. Therapists will be asked to sort 56 statements of opinion concerning the nature and treatment of adolescent drug abuse (each typed on a separate card) into eight different categories ranging from "least agree: (category 1) to "most agree" (category 8). This measure will be administered during the therapists selection process, prior randomization to BSFT or TAU. For BSFT therapists only the VADAQ will be administered again the first time the therapists submit a tape for certification in BSFT. Three times during the course of their BSFT training, therapists will complete a case formulation exercise in which they respond orally to one written clinical vignette depicting a family with adolescents who use illicit drugs. For each vignette, respondents will be asked (a) "What do you see happening in this family, and why does the youth use drugs?"; (b) "What additional information would you want in order to assess this family?"; and, (c) "What would you propose as a preliminary treatment plan?". Therapists' open-ended responses to these questions will be individually (privately) audio taped. This qualitative information will be used by trainers to gauge how training is progressing. This also allows the trainer to better tailor the training to each therapist’s progress.
Impulsivity and General Trait & Behavior Scales

Studies Using This Assessment