Treatment Services Review

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The TSR is an interview used to gather information about specific services provided to patients attending substance abuse and other types of treatment programs. The TSR focuses on services for seven potential problem areas-medical status, employment and support, drug use, alcohol use, legal status, family/social status, and psychiatric status-that correspond to the seven patient functioning areas assessed by the Addiction Severity Index. Patients are asked about the services that they received in the past week either in a program or outside of a program through referral. The TSR consists of 56 items. It takes approximately 10 minutes to administer and 1 minute to score. In clinical settings, the TSR can be used to describe the types of services patients receive in a treatment program. In this way, it is possible to differentiate types of programs and to determine whether the patient problems presented at admission have been addressed during treatment. In research, the TSR has been used to evaluate different forms of experimental interventions to ensure that they are delivered in the manner originally specified and that they differ from the control or comparison conditions. In addition, the TSR can be used in studies designed to match patients to the treatment programs or services that benefit from them most. A revised version of the TSR (the TSR-6) was developed in 2008 and found to be both reliable and valid (Cacciola et al, 2008).
Substance Use

Studies Using This Assessment