
Click on Protocol Number of interest to view study-related documentation or download data files. (DTMC data files are under development.)
Division Study Number Title Investigator(s) Release Date
DTMC NIDA-CTO-0012 Phase 2, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial Of Tiagabine For The Treatment Of Cocaine Dependence Eugene Somoza, M.D. Jan 15, 2019
DTMC NIDA-MDS-0002 Assessment of Interactions Between Methamphetamine and Aripiprazole Thomas F. Newton, M.D. May 07, 2018
DTMC NIDA-MDS-0003 Phase I, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Assessment Of Potential Interactions Between Intravenous Cocaine And Ethanol And Oral Disulfiram John D. Roache, Ph.D. Dec 21, 2017
DTMC NIDA-MDS-0004 Phase 2, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial Of Modafinil For The Treatment Of Cocaine Dependence Domenic Ciraulo, M.D. Sep 02, 2015
DTMC NIDA-MDS-0007 Phase 2, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial Of Bupropion For Methamphetamine Dependence Ann Anderson, M.D. Dec 04, 2014