Mini-Mental State Exam

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The MMSE is a brief, easily administered, quantitative measure of cognitive status in adults. It can be used to screen for cognitive impairment (such as Alzheimer's disease), to estimate the severity of cognitive impairment at a given point in time, to follow the course of cognitive changes in an individual over time, and to document an individual's response to treatment. The MMSE has demonstrated validity and reliability in psychiatric, neurologic, geriatric, and other medical populations. It is a fully structured scale that consists of 30 points grouped into 7 categories: orientation to place and to time, registration, attention and concentration, recall language, and visual construction. It is scored in terms of the number of correctly completed items. The test takes about 5-10 minutes to administer. The test has been used as the primary cognitive screening instrument in several large-scale epidemiolgical studies of dementia. It is also widely used in clinical practice and is often reported in research studies as a benchmark of the severity of dementia that can be used to compare patient cohorts across studies. The MMSE is insensitive to mild cognitive impairment, lacks diagnostic specificity, and may not be sensitive to education, literacy, or visual problems. The 3MS (Modified Mini- Mental State Exam) tests for both dementia and cognitive impairment. It is a 27-item questionnaire (19 MMSE plus 8 additional) that tests orientation to time and place, attention, concentration, long- and short-term memory, language, and abstract thinking. It takes 5-15 minutes to complete, is well-validated and is used in a variety of settings (Teng, 1987). Population: Adults

Mental Health
General/Multiple Disorders

Studies Using This Assessment