HEAL Study
Treatment-as-Usual Opioid Use Outcomes Following Discharge from Detoxification and Short-Term Residential Programs Affiliated with NIDA CTN-0051
Short Description
CTN-0051-A2 (also referred to as “ancillary study”) is an observational study intended to describe opioid use amongst opioid use disorder patients following their discharge into the community from inpatient detoxification and/or short-term residential treatment programs affiliated with CTN-0051 (referred to as “parent study”).
Release Date
Feb 15, 2024
The primary objective is to follow a group of participants with opioid use disorder to estimate treatment-as-usual rates of opioid use clinical outcomes following discharge to the community from detoxification and/or short-term residential programs. This is an observational study of participants with opioid use disorder leaving the same detoxification and/or short-term residential units from which participants for CTN-0051 are recruited, but who are discharged to TAU in the community. We will collect similar drug use measures as are collected in CTN-0051 that will allow us to estimate (1) days to first use and days to regular use, (2) number of days of use during the first four and eight weeks post-discharge to the community, and (3) number of positive, negative and missing UDSs at weeks 1, 4 and 8 post-discharge to the community.
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HEAL Study
Comparing Treatments for HIV-Infected Opioid Users in an Integrated Care Effectiveness Study (CHOICES) Scale-Up
Short Description
The Primary Objective of this study is to compare the effectiveness of HIV clinic-based extended-release Naltrexone (XR-NTX) in decreasing substance use and increasing HIV viral suppression in HIV-infected participants with opioid use disorder to Treatment as Usual in this population.
Release Date
Jul 26, 2023

The CTN-0055 CHOICES pilot study demonstrated the feasibility of extended-release naltrexone (XR-NTX) for treatment of opioid use disorder in HIV primary care. The CTN-0067 CHOICES scale-up study builds on lessons learned from the pilot and uses the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research to advance understanding of XR-NTX adoption in HIV primary care clinics. The study is an open-label, randomized, comparative effectiveness trial of office-based XR-NTX for 24 weeks (6 monthly injections) versus treatment as usual (TAU) in HIV-infected participants with untreated opioid use disorder. Each participant will be engaged in the overall study for 25 to 28 weeks, depending on the speed of screening and enrollment procedures.

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HEAL Study
Validation of a Community Pharmacy-Based Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Risk Screening Tool
Short Description
The goal of the study is to validate a Prescription Drug Monitoring Program-based opioid risk metric to discriminate between low, moderate, and high-risk opioid use disorder. The World Health Organization Alcohol, Smoking, and Substance Involvement Screening Test (WHO ASSIST) will be used as the gold standard instrument that defines patient risk levels. No intervention or hypothesis will be tested.
Release Date
Apr 13, 2023

This study will evaluate the concurrent validity of a PDMP-based opioid risk metric as a clinical measure of high risk opioid use and establish clinically useful risk-level thresholds relative to the widely validated gold standard of the World Health Organization Alcohol, Smoking, and Substance Involvement Screening Test (WHO ASSIST). This study is a one group, cross-sectional, health assessment study. Participants who enroll in the study will complete on-line surveys at a single time point. Approximately 1,523 patients will be recruited from approximately 15 community community pharmacies. Trained pharmacy staff will inform potentially eligible participants, or individuals receiving at least one prescription(s) for potentially eligible participants, of the survey opportunity. Patients recruited will complete validated measures to assess opioid use and risk behaviors, substance use, and physical and mental health. A series of a priori analyses will be conducted to evaluate the validity of the PDMP-based opioid risk metric relative to the widely validated gold standard WHO ASSIST and to identify cutoff thresholds. Correlational, regression, and Cohen's Kappa statistical analyses will also be conducted to evaluate the relationship between the risk metric and the WHO ASSIST.

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Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription Medication, and Other Substance Use Screening

Submitted by aplank on

The TAPS Tool, developed by a study team in the NIDA Clinical Trials Network (CTN-0059), is a 2-step screening and brief assessment approach. TAPS-1, the screening component, asks about frequency of use of tobacco, alcohol (above guideline-recommended daily limits), illicit drugs, and nonmedical use of prescription medications within the previous 12 months. If the participants reports having used one of the substances, TAPS-2 then asks more specific follow-up questions regarding use in the past 3 months

Substance Use

Prescription Opioid Misuse Index

Submitted by aplank on

This 6-item interview is focused specifically on prescription opioid use behaviors. It was developed and used in a larger study designed to assess correlates of OxyContin abuse in pain patients prescribed OxyContin, patients treated for OxyContin addiction, and individuals incarcerated for OxyContin-related charges. The original 8-item POMI included questions regarding dose, frequency of use, the need for early refills, a doctor expressing concern of misuse, feeling high from the medication, taking medication due to stress, obtaining prescriptions from multiple physicians, and pain control. It also included a question regarding adequate pain relief to confirm that any increase in prescription use reported was not due to inadequate pain control.

Substance Use