Modified Himmelsbach Opiate Withdrawal Scale

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The MHOWS (Eissenberg et al. 1996) is a modified Himmelsbach (1941) withdrawal severity scale, with each of seven signs being rated by the observer on a 3 point scale where 0 = none and 1and 2 were ratings individualized for each sign. The signs were: Yawning, Lacrimation, Rhinorrhea, Perspiration, Gooseflesh, Bowel sounds (a stethoscope was placed on the subject's abdomen), and Restlessness. The scores for the individual items were summed to form a composite modified Himmelsbach score.

Substance Use
HEAL Study
The TAPS Tool: Screen and Brief Assessment Tool Validation Study
Short Description
A study to develop and validate a questionnaire to screen and assess adult primary care patients for tobacco, alcohol, prescription drug, and drug use and problems related to their use.
Release Date
Sep 14, 2017

This study seeks to develop and validate a 4-item screen and a two-stage screening and brief assessment tool to screen and assess primary care patients for tobacco, alcohol, prescription drug, and illicit substance use and problems related to their use. The screen and two-stage screening and brief assessment tool (the latter hereafter called the Tobacco, Alcohol, Prescription medications, and other Substance [TAPS] tool) will be evaluated via self-administration and via interviewer-administration.

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HEAL Study
Testing and Linkage to HIV Care in China: A Cluster Randomized Trial
Short Description
This study will evaluate the effects of a comprehensive approach (One4All) to increase the percentage of patients that receive their HIV testing results and counseling.
Release Date
Sep 14, 2017

This study will evaluate the effects of a comprehensive diagnostic approach to enhance the percentage of participants that receive their HIV testing results and counseling, given they are HIV positive on the initial EIA screening. All enrolled participants will be followed for 12 months with the viral load (VL) measured at that time point in addition to the status of any HIV treatment they have received.

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Smokeless Tabacco Questionnaire

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Data are collected on thepast 3 months use of smokeless tobacco products: use of any smokeless tobacco product more that 5 times a day; more than 10 times a day; usual use within 30 minutes after waking; use of e-cigarettes, and if so, how many times per day.

Substance Use

Oral Fluid Drug Test

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Oral fluid sample testing for amphetamines, methamphetamine (MDMA), cocaine/metabolite, opiates, oxycodone, phencyclidine, THC, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, and methadone. Samples can be analyzed by enzyme immunoassay (EIA). Oral fluid testing has been found to have adequate reliability compared to urine testing. (Bosker & Huestis, 2009; Cone & Huestis, 2007)

Substance Use